Friday, June 18, 2010

This Is Exciting!

Many of you have been asking when Swamp Walking Woman will be released. We are getting all our frogs lined up--uh, maybe we should have used ducks!

One of the things I liked best about writing this book was remembering all the woodland flowers I loved in my childhood roaming near our farm in Maine. Here's a lovely trillium my grandson discovered near his great-grandparents' house. Children have an enormous capacity for wonder. They grace the world with joy. Find out how grace comes into the story of Swamp Walking Woman and the little lost girl she befriends.

Keep watch here for launch date.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

City Gardens

Spring and Summer

The raised bed on the left is now brimming with peas, above.

There are more than 50 community gardens in New Haven, plots here and there where caring neighbors grow food for community kitchens. The generosity of spirit shown by these gardeners should be celebrated. They are a group dedicated to green living, to feeding folks, and to creating on our planet a hope and a determination that we will survive and prosper. There is no better answer to oppression and foolishness in high places than simply to flourish and live good lives such as we dream possible when we are children. This blog is dedicated to the Seventh Generation.

My book Swamp Walking Woman shows a community who must confront bossy "gators" and rally to take back the land on which to garden and prosper. Watch here for launch date.

Friday, June 11, 2010

In Times Like These

The oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico makes me feel I need to be stronger, to have more answers, especially about how to stop greed and money from making wrong decisions about our planet. There are people in positions of power who are crazy enough to harm this planet beyond repair.

My book Swamp Walking Woman is about a woman who faces those monsters and inspires a world of troubled people to take a stand.

We used to sing a song in Sunday School that went like this, "In times like these you need an anchor." Of course, the anchor was meant to be faith, and we know faith can do miracles such as bring better health. Self confidence is a kind of faith, faith in oneself and one's own ability to do hard things.

Swamp Walking Woman launch date to be announced soon. Keep an eye on this blog.